
Marijuana use linked to risk of myocardial infarction in young people
A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that adults under 45 years of age who consumed marijuana within the past 30 days had almost double the amount of heart attacks compared to those who didn’t use the drug.

Adolescent substance use declines as mental health symptoms rise
According to new data released from Monitoring the Future Survey, 2021 observed the largest 1-year decrease in overall illicit substance use reported among adolescents since 1975!

Prenatal THC exposure linked to aggression, anxiety, and hyperactivity in new study
In a new study recently published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers found that children of women who used marijuana during pregnancy or while breastfeeding were at a higher risk for negative psychiatric outcomes.

New nationwide study links higher youth marijuana usage and mental health issues
Drug Free America Foundation and Johnny’s Ambassadors recently published findings from a national research campaign where the study was able to detect a link between highly potent marijuana and mental health issues in teens and adolescents.

Marijuana policies and opioid mortality rates
In a study published in the Journal of Health Economics, researchers examined the relationship between different marijuana legalization policies and opioid mortality rates in the U.S. Analyzing data from 1999 to 2019, researchers found that marijuana legalization is associated with higher opioid death rates, contradicting the marijuana protection hypothesis which proposes that the availability of marijuana reduces deaths from opioids.

Reports from the CDC show a vast increase in marijuana-related ER visits among youth during the pandemic
The frequency of young individuals consuming harmful amounts of marijuana edibles or smoking marijuana to the point where they need emergency assistance increased considerably during
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Please contact John Pastuovic at 312-925-9092 or at 312-925-9092.